In commercial practice are used the following abbreviations for the linear transportation between different ports:
- FIOS - Free in / out (loading and unloading of the sender).
- FIFO - Free in / Free out (see FIOS).
- FILO - Free in/Liner out (loading of the sender, unloading due to the line).
- LIFO - Liner in/Free out (loading at the expense of line, unloading due to the sender).
- LILO - Liner in/out (loading and unloading at the expense of the line).
Depending on the practice of a line or a specific port can be added a bonus allowance:
- CAF (Currency Adjustment Factor) - indexation exchange rate fluctuations.
- BAF (Bunker Adjustment Factor) - indexation of changes in fuel prices.
- Wharfage - port duty.
- CUC (Chassis Using Charge) - fee for use of the chassis.
- Documentation Fee - a fee for paperwork and many others.
Besides the port container can be delivered to the container terminal (container yard) near the port or in the interior of the country, depending on the activity of the line in the area. And, of course, it can be delivered directly to the "door" of the clientWith this in mind, to the basic linear terms can be added next ones:
- FICY - Free in/Container yard (no loading at the port - up to the container terminal).
- LI-Door - Liner in / Door (loading at the port due to the line - "the door" of the client).
It should be borne in mind that even with transportation "from door to door" line only delivers the container at the specified address, but almost never performs packing of / unstuff container. This question shipper decides on its own or with the freight forwarder.